Dota 2 International Events
What can we say, we love ogres.

The International (TI13) Seattle 2023
So much fun driving down to Seattle with a van full of Ogre - we won Best in Show!
This is the Alchemist - Razil's Revitalizer

The International (TI8) Vancouver 2018
We only had to waddle our way 10 blocks to get to the stadium. We won Biggest Transformation!
This is Ogre Magi.

Winners for Dota 2 International Cosplay Competitions
This fantastic event is an annual contest that celebrates the skill of cosplayers from all over the world. Held in conjunction with The International, Dota 2's flagship esports tournament, it provides a platform for cosplayers and fabricators to bring their favorite heroes to life. We're always in awe of the incredible creativity, detail, humour, and innovation of the amazing creations.
Year | Location | Best in Show | Biggest/Best Transformation | Best Technique | Judges' Choice | Judges | Sponsor | Source |
2024 | Copenhagen TI13 | Marzaus Invoker (Czechia) | Peachyxbell Enchantress | Vicky_Kujikawa Vengeful Spirit | Tanakht Juggernaut | Marugitto rehabGnaked Meruna | Steel Series | YouTube |
2023 | Seattle TI12 | Styrogirls Alchemist (Canada) | Chiyunekoo Skywrath Mage | Dan Crystal Maiden | Fwivo Vengeful Spirit | Abbycatcosplay Anna He Faerie Fingers | Steel Series | YouTube |
2022 | Singapore TI11 | Shabaz Ember Spirit | Mizuki Otawa Huskar | Arty.Ficer X Aviantese Rubick | Hadi Aker Weaver | Alodia Tasha Vera Chimera | YouTube |
Year | Location | Best in Show | Biggest/Best Transformation | Best Technique | Most Innovative | Judges | Source | |
2019 | Shanghai TI9 | Redemption Props Treant (India) | Mustard Tinker | Medha Legion Commander | Nienteen Terrorblade | YouTube | ||
2018 | Vancouver TI8 | Tanakht Sven (Czechia) | Styrogirls Ogre Magi | Rehab G. Naked Ember Spirit | LiliSliph Warlock | Enayla Cosplay Androoly Riri Cosplay | YouTube |
Let us know if any information needs updating - we'd love to keep it as accurate as possible.
* is also an excellent reference with photos for Dota TI Best in Show, Best Technique, Biggest Transformation, Judges' Choice, and Most Innovative Awards
Previous winners pictured above: Marzaus as Invoker • Shabaz as Ember Spirit • Redemption Props as Treant • Tanakht as Sven (awww holding hands)